My Story

Hinrq celebrating his birthday, & the official launch of his business in Graphic Design.

  • I'm currently 23 years old. I was born and raised from a small town in Louisiana. A proud Business Owner. Lover of nature, gaming & creative arts. My all-time favorite quote is by Izuudon:

    “Life Is Like A Book.”

  • — Graphic Designing:

    I've always been a fan of creative arts since I was younger. From simple things like animations in WWE events, to other things like posters, fonts, endless amount of effects, and so forth. I'd be just as, if not more excited to see the designs/effects, rather than the product being shown. It's what eventually lead me to being Freelance in Graphic Design.

    — Content Creating:

    On the content side, I loved watching creators like FaZe Rain. From his cut commentaries/game plays, all the way to his montages. Something I've aspired to do. It's what led me to Content Creation. In today's age, I'm proud to have my own collection of montages, series & videos to showcase.

  • My alias “Hinrq” originated on November 23rd, 2017. I have some important meanings that helped inspired this name.

    Letter “H”

    My old alias used to be: “Hoxet.” That name was the starting point of me focusing on being solo (as I focused on clans/teams for a good portion of my gaming journey.) Allowing me to start learning about branding and how to vision my own brand. So I kept the H to continue the legacy of Hoxet.

    Letters “INR”

    I definitely intended to incorporate my original gaming clan “Minr Gaming” into this new name I was brainstorming for a while. They're my day ones. Until this very day, I'm still good friends with some members. We've made a lot of history, and they were a big part of my childhood.

    Letter “Q”

    This last letter was originally just for style, As I had the first four letters locked in. It helped finish making the name unique and one of its kind. I do give the letter an unofficial meaning though. I give it the meaning “Quote.” Which I've mention in the “About Me” section that states: My all-time favorite quote is: Life Is Like A Book.

    Pronunciation of how to say my alias is: [Hen-Rick]